Wednesday, November 2, 2011

04/18/2011 Hard Week / Heartbreaking News

After receiving some heartbreaking news from a family that Elder Walker has been working so closely with, he sent his weekly email just to his mom and dad - which just happened to be their wedding anniversary. The letter is too personal to share here. However... here is a portion that expresses some of what he is feeling:

Why them? Why now?

I love what Joseph says in the movie, Joseph Smith: the prophet of the Restoration, as he's talking with the builders of the Nauvoo temple, he says, "don't loose hope brethren, the Lord isn't just building a temple here He's building us." I firmly believe that my mission is what Elder Holland says, "the greatest person you save on your mission is yourself." The Lord has built me and will continue to build me. I have learned so much from Him.

President Colton said this, "you can have an exactly obedient missionary but without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that missionary is useless." I know I must have faith in all things especially in times of trial. I love the Rigby family so much but I know if they remain faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ good things are to come.

Thank you for being faithful to each other for 31 years. Thank you for being the example we all need in this world. You have overcome the trails that have been presented to you thus far that would normally destroy a family not built on the gospel. I love you very much. Thank you for all the support you've given me.

Happy anniversary Mom and Dad.

please send your prayers this way as I know you always do.

Peace and Love,
Elder Tyson Rigby Walker

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